There are so many memories that were created with this homemade potpourri filling the air. My mom made it when I was growing up, and now every time Fall comes around, it gives me an excuse to carry on the tradition.
I absolutely love walking into my house and breathing in the apple, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon. In my mind, nothing captures Autumn more than this scent.
You will need:
a small saucepan
3 cups of water
1 apple
2-4 cinnamon sticks
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
10-20 whole cloves
1 orange (optional)
extra pinch of cinnamon (optional)
Cut apple (and orange if you choose to use it-even better with it!).
Toss all ingredients into water in pan.
Make sure that the water covers all of the ingredients. If not, add more water.
Let the potpourri sit on low for up to three days. I never leave it on at night or if I go somewhere.
You will probably be tricked into believing that something delicious is baking in the oven. I've never tried it, but I just thought that adding a little vanilla to the potpourri might make it smell even better.

Thanks for sharing! This is definitely a better alternative to buying air freshners or scented oils from the store.