I think Jonah will probably get mad at me if I try to throw him a "Jonah and the Whale" party when he's older, so I took the opportunity to do it now, before he can put up a fight. Plus, whales are cute and the theme was a good way to incorporate blue.
I found most of the whale supplies at Party City and on Amazon, and I made a couple of things, too.
So, above is the cake that I ordered for Jonah's smash cake. I actually ordered it with no icing, so I could make my own with sucanat, which is pure, dried cane sugar juice. Don't try to make a white icing with it (like I started to do!) or you will end up with an ugly brownish icing. I surrendered, and added cocoa powder to make it a chocolate icing. If my little guy is like me, he loved it, and the pictures do prove that to be true. I will probably be doing a post in the future on how to make powdered sugar with sucanat. I made the whale with fondant, but he didn't get to eat that part as I imagine he wanted to :)

Back to the birthday boy...here he is as a newborn, and also as a big boy at twelve months! He likes to pull his month stickers off of his shirt as soon as I put them on to take his picture. I was really sad as I put the month sticker sheets in storage, because it just means he's out of the "month counting", but I still get to rock him to sleep and hold him tight, because he is a cuddle bug! I'm so grateful for that!
Back to the party...
...here are some pictures of the event!
If you come across this post, and are doing a whale party yourself, please let me know if you have any questions about where I found any of the party supplies.
Jonah's monthly photos
My mom and Jonah, ready to party!
Big brother had so much fun. Today, he said, "Jonah wants to have another birthday party, and all the people want to come here again." I think he's a social butterfly.
That's the best picture I had of this. It's made with scrapbook paper and felt. It says, "Jonah is 1!", not to be confused with, "Jon H is 1!".
Jonah, Michael, and I
He loved his cake. I think I'm going to do a post called "Cake Monster", so all of you can see how messy he got. He truly looked like a cake monster.
sweet boy opening his first gift
This is a book that I put some pictures of Jonah in to create a story for everyone to look at.
He was so sleepy by the time it was over.
We had a fun day, and I think Jonah's first birthday party was a success. He's one!! I am still a little in shock by how fast this past year flew by, and by how tiny he still seems to me in my mind. Happy 2nd year of life, precious baby Jo Jo!
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